"JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Miss World has axed the famed bikinis from this year's pageant in Indonesia, replacing the skimpy swimsuits with conservative beach sarongs amid mounting protests from hard-line Muslim groups, organizers said Thursday. All of the more than 130 contestants will be required to wear Bali's traditional long sarongs instead of the sexy bikinis that are historically part of the competition, said Adjie S. Soeratmadjie of the RCTI, the official broadcaster and local organizer. Parts of the pageant will take place on the resort island of Bali and the final round will be held Sept. 28 near the capital, Jakarta. Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country."There will no bikini in this year's Miss World pageant to respect our traditional customs and values," Soeratmadjie said, adding that the London-based Miss World Organization is on board with the decision. "This is a sensitive issue in Indonesia. We have discussed it since last year and they have agreed," he said. The chairwoman of the Miss World Organization, Julia Morley, confirmed that none of the 137 contestants would wear a bikini."
Read more of the article by clicking on the link. Here are comments from the yahoo website from different people that I combined to make two paragraphs just for fun.
Has the entire Western Civilization has lost its collective mind? There must be a trigger gene that's caused mass grovelling, kowtowing and butt kissing to every backward, anti-West ethnic herd on the planet - the more backward, the more the West grovels. Pull the plug on the pageant or move it to another location. I am sick to death of the Islamic extremists trying to rule the world with their religion. Does the world have to give up everything to soothe these bullies? What's next, they going to try to impose these same laws in the Olympics where all swimmers and gymnasts need to cover up? The "religion of peace and tolerance" strikes again. Why can't Muslims just let others live their lives in peace?
Why don't they just call it the Miss Muslim pageant and have a Burka competition ,a stoning competition ,and female castration competition, men must escort the women on stage, and no female judges? Are they also going to ban them from the question and answer portion? They have a problem with adult women in a bathing suit but no problem with their supposed Prophet Mohamed marrying a 6 year old. I guess in the world of Islam it's ok to gang rape women, kill them so they don't talk and commit honor killings, but Allah be damned if we can see your belly button. Great, now the Miss World pageant is bowing to Muslims. By the time most muslim women are old enough to compete in these pageants, they've been married for 7 years, so perhaps we should lower the age of contestants to 9 so more Muslim men will be interested in watching. Then contestants with a college education will be disqualified. The talent competition will be replaced by judges beating the women. And three times a day they will stop to face east and pray. But gee whiz, let's not offend people that stone women and blow innocent people up with their bombs. Bombs and stoning is God's will, but women in bikinis is heresy. Oh the humanity!!
I am basing my question on the assumption that you were raised to believe In god. I'm curious, when did you stop and why? Its an honest question and is in no meant to be antagonistic.
Yes I was in a strong Christian household. About three years ago I started to become an atheist. It was something I think was always there but I was feared into belief. Hellfire and eternal damnation is a strong tool they use to keep you indoctrinated even if you have doubts. They love calling you a sinner, and masochism is part of their indoctrination process from the very beginning at a young impressionable age. When you are young you end up being trained to fear and think there is something wrong with you as if you deserve punishment because you're not worthy of their "god's" love.
I just became enlightened. There is the personal aspect I wont get into. I'll just says the more you live, the more you look around, and the more you realize it's bullshit. Then if you take a good long look at the past to now present day you can tell something is fucked up. There is no evidence a god exists. None whatsoever. But there are claims in various religious books like the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, etc that there is, but those are the claims, not the evidence, and there are so many gods and religions that claim to be the one true creator of everything. There are many different stories of gods from every civilization and generation that ever lived that was once thought to exist and be the true one. They all died off with it's people, or where killed off by other religions. Gods were used by the ancient elites to control people because they had no way to maintain order in their primitive culture, and they had no answers to the origins of life so they made it all up.
There is so much more I could give examples as to why but I'd type a novel. I gave this some very serious thought. It's not on a whim where I woke up one day and said I don't believe in god. It's a lifetime of experiences and learning that lead me here
Jimmy Carr defends Atheism on the Late Late (18 Sept 09)
Jimmy Carr defends Atheism on the Late Late (18 Sept 09)
kayvi: A compelling argument from Stephen Fry
A compelling argument from Stephen Fry
The pig sounds your Hershey syrup bottle makes when squeezing the last bit of chocolate into your...
The pig sounds your Hershey syrup bottle makes when squeezing the last bit of chocolate into your mouth is so fitting for that moment
the-awesome-atheist: She is African. Just had to point it...
She is African. Just had to point it out…
Christians are arrogant close minded sheep. I know because I grew up around them. I was one of them. I still have many friends and family that are christians. I respect everything about them except their faith. They annoy me when they thank their "god" when something good happens to them. They're idiotic on that notion. It's complete utter ignorance to believe this "Jesus" character protects them while he allows other to suffer in ways they'll never comprehend.
British Muslims want to take over the UK I'm not even...
British Muslims want to take over the UK
I'm not even British and my first thought is…
Three things about Islam
Three things about Islam
Tommy Robinson (EDL) telling it how it is. 30 minutes watching...
Tommy Robinson (EDL) telling it how it is. 30 minutes watching this video was well spent.
I’m still on hiatus. I was just checking in. I’ll be back. =)
I’m still on hiatus. I was just checking in. I’ll be back. =)
I just want to respond to one of your posts. Basically, you suggested Lena Dunham is a hypocrite because she performs simulated sex scenes in her show while publicly condemning the sexualization of women in porn. She recently explained why those two things are not inconsistant in a Tweet articulating why she is offended by the Girls porn parody. She says, "a big reason I engage in (simulated) onscreen sex is to counteract a skewed idea of that act created by the proliferation of porn."
I see, but she's a hypocrite. There is no reason for her to have simulated sex scenes on her show. All it does it get viewers to watch. Some people will only watch shows for the sex scenes. That's why they put them in those sorts of shows to get more of an audience. Everyone knows people have sex. Everyone knows what leads to having sex. Everyone knows 20something females engage in sex. She shouldn't be mad at the porn parody. She should be grateful because she'll get new viewers that she did not have before. So called feminists that talk about sexualization of women in porn but have a TV show where females are having simulated sex shouldn't open their mouth about it. All that's missing in her show is a shot of penetration.
Driving to work Monday morning Driving home from work Friday afternoon
Driving to work Monday morning
Driving home from work Friday afternoon
I want this puppy!
I want this puppy!
You atheists are making world domination sooo much harder, seriously what's with all this 'logic' nonsense?
Just what tumblr needs, troll Jesus, lol =)
Well Jesus I know logic escapes you because if I were you, and I knew I was going to be tortured and nailed on a cross to die so people like Snooki and Kim Kardashian could wear crosses around their neck one day, I would have been on a boat sailing toward Plymouth Rock 1,450 years before anyone knew it existed with one hand on my cock and my other hand making a fist while raised in the air.
So.... my fellow godless heathens...
What do you think is the number one problem amongst atheists? No group is perfect. Do you even see any problems within atheism? Anything you think needs fixed? Do we need to be more forceful to debate or more laid back in society? Do we need a leader? Is there certain atheists in the movement you feel try to make others conform to one political ideology?
Anything goes. Whatever is on your mind. Reply or reblog. Whatever tickles your pickle
And theists I know your answer will be we don’t believe in a god
That's classic and epic. One way to take advantage of over...
That's classic and epic. One way to take advantage of over flooding. I'd do the same but I'd tie a rope to it and then tie it to a fence, and pull myself in when I was done chilling like a villain.
Off topic I'll defend women's rights on various...
Off topic
I'll defend women's rights on various topics all day long, and if you've followed my page you now I dislike how religion oppresses women, but I will not support feminists of the hypocrite denomination that want more than just equality for their gender, they want special treatment and dominance over males.
And I'm working on returning to posting like I normally used to. I want to ignore religion for a bit. I'm taking a breather for a little while longer.
It’s funny. Say you’re not a liberal, you don’t like Obama, bad Muslims should be...
It’s funny. Say you’re not a liberal, you don’t like Obama, bad Muslims should be deported from England, you’re against a path to citizenship for illegals that snuck in over the border, and all of a sudden you’re not worth following any longer.
Well all I have to say to those people is..
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